How To Introduce The Element of Water To Your Garden
Have you ever noticed how often water is used in advertising for products associated with relaxation and meditation? Water can excite us as we watch the surf roll in and break on the beach, or it can bring inner peace as we sit quietly by a lake and watch the sun setting behind the trees on the far shore.
Water is well known for its therapeutic benefits, seen in its ability to soothe us and bring calm into our lives. For this reason, no matter how large or small your garden, you should entertain the idea of adding water, and create a tranquil oasis to head for when you need to unwind.
If your garden is big enough, then a pond can be an excellent choice for a water feature, and can be brought to life by adding both fish and water lilies. Just sitting and watching fish as they swim around is very relaxing, and fish will also help to keep the pond clean and clear of pests, such as mosquito larvae. The water lilies also have a dual function, offering the fish a place to shelter from the sun, and providing beautiful flowers for you to admire.
If you do decide to add a pond to your garden then you should consider the addition of a garden pond pump to circulate water within the pond, bringing oxygen to the water, and keeping the water clear and the fish and plants healthy.
One great way to do this is by adding a secondary water feature to your pond, such as a fountain or small waterfall. Adding features of this nature, and fitting a pump, is not hard, but do be careful to ensure that you select a water pump with a maximum flow rate that is sufficient to cope with the volume of water it will be pumping.
There is one final but very important point about installing a pond. Think carefully about whether you should purchase a preformed pond, or use a flexible pond liner. Preformed ponds are thick and durable, and are already shaped to include such things as planting shelves, and are easy to clean. You are, however, limited in terms of size and shape when it comes to buying a preformed pond liner, and they can be both expensive, and tricky to install. A flexible liner gives you almost unlimited choice in terms of design, but can be hard work to install and is not as durable.
The pond is perhaps the classic garden water feature but today the possibilities for introducing water into your garden are almost endless. You can even add money-saving moving water features that are solar powered. Whatever you choose, create a true focal point in your garden and make the very most of it by selecting attractive materials for its construction such as granite or ceramic. Copper is also a great choice for a water feature, as it will age to a beautiful green patina.