
How to make your home appliances more efficient: top tips

UK Home Improvement

How to Make Your Home Appliances More Efficient: Top Tips

When it comes to saving money in the home there are a number of things you can do, without cutting corners! Making sure that you follow a few very simple rules with your electrical appliances will ensure that you keep your bills down to a minimum, whilst not sacrificing any necessities around the house. Below are a few top tips on how to do this and which appliances to watch out for.


Only boil as much water as you need

It sounds silly, but overusing kettles really can make a vast difference to your energy bills, and can also cut their lifespan substantially. Over-boiling or constantly using your kettle consumes a great deal of energy and is also extremely inefficient when it comes to saving water. Use only what you need and you will find that your electricity and water bill won’t suffer.

Use economy washes when possible

It’s easy to throw all of your washing into the machine, press a button, and then forget about it. However, on certain occasions you may be using much more water and energy than is actually necessary to run your wash. A good tip to avoid high-energy bills is to use the “economy wash” setting on your washing machine. This will help to reduce the amount of water you use.

Alternatively, you can save up your washing in a washing basket until you have a big load all ready to go. If you are thinking of investing in a new washing machine for your family, many types are available from companies such as Co-operative Electrical, which do use substantially less amounts of water and are much more energy efficient.

Turn items off at the mains

This is the big one! It may seem hard to believe but whenever you leave things on at the mains they do still use power. Electrical appliances, which use a “standby” mode, also continue to use as much power as they do when they are switched on.

If you’re not using an electrical appliance, and it doesn’t have a digital clock which you use, then switch it off! This technique is particularly useful when it comes to things like televisions and standalone DVD players. Doing this will make your appliances as energy efficient as possible, and probably save you a great deal of money in the process.

Watch the dial on your fridge

Fridges drain an awful lot of power, and you may find that your refrigerator is running colder than needed. Simply clicking the thermostat a few notches back will have no effect on its contents at all, but will reduce the amount of electrical energy that the fridge consumes whilst running colder than it needs to be.

Alternatively, though it may seem counter intuitive you could go commercial either by going to a Laundromat or buying your own and do your laundry in bulk. Aventus Laundry is a supplier of commercial Laundry Equipment, including Washing, Drying and Finishing Machines.


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