
Find your home’s environmentally unfriendly points

UK Home Improvement

Find Your Home’s Environmentally Unfriendly Points

Most of us make an effort to have a greener home these days but sometimes it isn’t as easy as the magazines and websites make out. Even if you genuinely want to make some positive changes you might not know where to start. With this in mind, here are a few pointers you might want to bear in mind.

The Big Issues

There are some big issues which most householders have to deal with in order to make their home greener. As a starting point you could look at the amount of insulation in the property, whether it has solar panels and the condition of the windows. The windows are especially important and if the place doesn’t have double glazing windows then you will want to seriously consider getting them fitted. 

While this is a relatively big expense it is going to help you save money on your energy bills in the long run. Your first step should be to do some proper research on the internet. If you happen to live in the UK, Anglian Home Improvements is a good place to start your research. Once you have done that you can then work out whether or not it is your top priority in making your house more environmentally friendly.

The Smaller Points

As well as those big issues there are also a great deal of smaller points to think about. For example, does your shower throw out a huge amount of water, are your appliances old and inefficient and do you use a lot of chemical cleaners around the place?

This selection shows us that you can make small but significant changes in just about every aspect of your house and your daily life. In fact, a quick look at an online list of possible green improvements will give you more ideas then you can handle.

Wouldn’t it be great if you were to work your way through one of these lists one item at a time? Even if you managed to tick off just one item each month it would soon add up to a very positive change in your life.

The New and Intriguing Possibilities

As well as the many traditional ways of making a home more environmentally friendly we need to think about the recently researched ideas which are proving very popular in some parts of the world.

It probably makes more sense to go through the previous two points on this list before moving onto this one but if you just can’t wait to do something new and fun then this could be ideal for you.

Living curtains, green roves and underground living might not be exactly what you had in mind for your home but they are all becoming increasingly popular with those people who don’t want to just settle for carrying out the basics of green living.


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