
Converting the home into an office

UK Home Improvement

Converting the Home into an Office

In November 2016, there was a boom in residential property being converted into commercial property, spurring on a rise in housing stocks and sparking a new trend. Consequently, up and coming businesses can now be found sandwiched between homes on any typical street. The change is easier said than done, but perfectly possible to do!

Consequently, we share a few tips on how to expertly convert the home space into the workplace!

converting home into an office

Create Space

The first thing you’ll notice as you step into the newly converted office is a limited amount of space. There are no floors that can accommodate dozens of desks, nor elevators on standby to remind you of the breadth of the building.

Consequently, you need to get creative with how you use the space and qualify the property as a bonified commercial building. There should be no remnants left around that giveaway each room’s prior identity, except for maybe toilets and kitchens.

Living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms and even airing cupboards all need to be repurposed. Strip any inappropriate wallpaper, uproot any unprofessional floorboards and knock certain walls out to create one big room instead of being stuck with two little rooms.

Additionally, you could convert the airing cupboard to a storage closet, and instead invest in a smaller wall hung boiler from JLA, a conveniently compact piece of heating equipment that is designed for commercial use. Don’t settle for the bare minimum; the more your building resembles an authentic work space, the more inclined you’ll be to work.

Efficient Lighting

Obviously, you can’t work if you can’t see. Still, the concerns with lighting go beyond this basic premise. Too much bright, concentrated light can cause strain on your eyes, particularly if you’re just relying on a bright monitor in the middle of an otherwise dark room. All light sources need to be evenly distributed not just for visibility, but for your health too. Also, a professional look can come from lighting too.

Make sure you’re opening curtains and letting in the natural light during the day and try and arrange the room so the sun shines through the window and on to you and your colleagues. This will help your skin and health if you’re spending most of the working day indoors. Additionally, consider swapping more domestic-looking light shades on the ceiling for something a bit more professional; LED ceiling lights, spotlights, etc.

Premium Wi-Fi

Whether this is your only business building, the first of many, or the latest in a long line of conversions, you need good Wi-Fi. Occasionally, you may be required to undertake important Skype meetings with clients or colleagues working remotely. You might also need to reply to business emails, undertake research if you’re a content creator, use communication software such as Slack or simply listen to your favourite playlist on Spotify as you work.

Consequently, strong and reliable Wi-Fi is needed here. Some broadband offers are better than others, offering better signal and overall a more reliable service. You don’t want to be rushing around in a panic trying to fix things when your connectivity randomly wanes in the middle of an important correspondence, so try to invest in the best internet you can. After all, reliable Wi-Fi makes you a reliable worker!


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