
Why you need chimney pot bird guards on your roof

UK Home Improvement

Why You Need Chimney Pot Bird Guards On Your Roof

Birds are indeed lovely creatures, and we are fortunate to have splendid selection of colourful species. However, they can be a real nuisance, especially when they decide to set up home on your chimney pots.

Perhaps we should first ask the question, why do birds stay and nest in chimneys? The obvious answer is that they are attracted to the heat that is generated by the fire and the entrance to the chimney offers a perfect platform.

Effective Deterrent

The best way to deter pigeons is to install chimney pot bird guards from Gold Bros Ltd, a leading supplier of snow guards and chimney pot guards. With a wire netting over the pot, the bird will not consider nesting there and will simply look elsewhere. These handy devices are very easy to install. A roofer can install these in minutes, next time they are inspecting your roof.

Annual Roof Inspection

Ask any seasoned homeowner and they will gladly confirm that annual roof inspections are essential, as damage is not usually apparent from the ground and missing tiles will lead to water contamination and damage to the internal roof joists and rafters.

If you have yet to have your roof inspected this year, why not order chimney pot bird guards from the online supplier and ask the roofer to install them when he is inspecting the roof.

Birds Congregate

In the event a pair of pigeons decide to build their nest on your roof, this will not go unnoticed by the bird population and it won’t be long before more birds decide to occupy your roof.

The mess is very difficult to remove, even a power wash leaves stains, while installing chimney pot bird guards solves the problem completely.

If you are unlucky, your home could be on the flight path for many species when they leave and head south and you certainly don’t want to attract them in any way.

Keep the Roof Clean

If you can manage to deter birds from settling on your roof, you are avoiding a messy build-up of excretion, and while the poor birds need a place to rest, it doesn’t have to be on your roof.

Take certain steps such as fitting chimney pot bird guards and snow guards around the guttering, which birds do not like.

There is evidence to suggest that passing birds look for roofs that have patches of excretion, which tells them birds like to gather there, so if your roof is clean, it will not be a beacon for passing flocks.

Fortunately, when looking to buy chimney pot bid guards, there are online solutions and finding a supplier near you is easy using Google.

You can order everything you need in a single shop and ask your local roofing contractor to install the guards when they inspect your roof.

Designed to deter all species of birds, you can also install them at the top of the downpipes, which is another favoured place for birds to nest.


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